Mijail Kharash Interview | One of the best guitar makers to have emerged in recent years between Granada Guitar Makers

    With a clear idea of what he wants his guitars to sound like, Mijail has achieved one of the highest quality sound among all the guitar makers in Granada, a city with more than 40 professionals of the highest level living and working here.

    Mijail Kharash Classical Guitar Maker in Granada
    Mijail Kharash Classical Guitar Maker in Granada
    Mijail Kharash Classical Guitar Maker in Granada
    Mijail Kharash Classical Guitar Maker in Granada

    In this video Mijail talks about how he started his career as a guitar maker, and how he courageously fulfilled his desire to come to Granada to learn from great masters to build guitars, live here and have his own workshop. He talks about the teachers who kindly helped him in his not-easy beginnings. His guitar-making approach and how he has found his path in his own particular way of seeing guitar-making over the years.



    Please contact us if you are interested in a guitar made by him at

    Mijail Kharash Classical Guitar Maker in Granada
